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The Ladies Room

Due to overwhelming demand:  Pictures of Mattie's expert painting job in the Ladies Room.


Happy New Year!

The cold box has been rehabilitated and heavily insulated.  Just waiting for draught system and kegs!

When we started cleaning the cold box out we discovered 1/2 the floor and the light soffit was rotten.  We pulled out all of the bad wood, re-framed the soffit and replaced the 2 x 10s on the floor.  Then we bought a six pack of Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale.


New Year's Eve at the Birdsall House

Unfortunately, we're not open.  But we're here working.  We've gotten the paper off the floor now that most of the dirty interior work is done and we've put the booths and their tables back in place.  Focusing on the basement today, clearing out a work space to building the draught tower and finish the renovation of the cold box.  Also, just got our first bit of press in the Peekskill Daily.  See you in the New Year!



We've been hard at renovating a classic American tavern.  Most of the work has been cosmetic, as you can see from the pictures, but the next task we have to tackle is constructing the tower to house our draught system.  Since our landlords do not want us to harm the beautiful bar top - you can't blame them - we have to support a 7' long tower on a 29" wide base and use the footprint of the old 5 line Perlick draught  system to support our new draught box.  No small feat, but entirely possible.  The face of the box is going to mimic the pattern on the top of the back bar, only smaller.  More to come...

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